More than 9,000 participants signed in!

20 March, 2013

In about four months the ITU World Triathlon in Hamburg starts and more than 9,000 participants have already signed in for the largest triathlon in the world on 20th / 21st July 2013. Everybody, who hasn’t registered yet but wants to participate, should hurry up.

There are only 190 starting places left for the sprint distance (0.5 km swim / 22 km bike / 5 km run), and the Olympic distance starting places (1,5 km swim / 40km bike / 10km run) are also running short.  There are about 250 places that are still vacant.

Relay competitions particularly popular

The relay competitions are especially favored again this year. The short distance is sold out for several weeks, and for the Olympic distance there are only 20 starting places on offer.

If you like to join the ITU World Triathlon, decide quickly and secure one of the final starting grids.

Be part of it and feel the spirit!

Register online now