Water Quality

In preparation to the Hamburg Wasser World Triathlon the water quality of the swim course is regularly monitored by the independent institute of hygiene and environment and has to be accordingly to the official specifications of World Triathlon.

Until the event weekend the measurements will be regularly published on this website. All measurements are due to be published two days after the water was tested. The water temperature is taken at three locations at the Binnenalster where the temperature is constantly measured. The water temperature is taken every 10 minutes and the average figure as well as themaximum and minimum figure will be published.

Current water measurements:

Water temeperature:

Messdatum C WT - Reverence values
09.07.2024 19,7  
13.07.2024 20,7  

Faecal coliforms (E.coli) [in 100ml]

Date of measurement Ka20 BI 20 BI 30 WT - Reverence values
15.05.2024 61 30 94 500
09.07.2024 15 77 160 500
13.07.2024     144 500

Intestinal Enterococci  [in 100ml]

Date of measurement Ka20 BI 20 BI 30 WT - Reverence values
15.05.2024 15 < 15 <15 200
09.07.2024 272 < 15 < 15 200
13.07.2024     15 200


Date of measurement Ka20 BI 20 BI 30 WT - Reverence values
15.05.2024 8,1 8,1 8,1 6-9
09.07.2024 7,7 7,7 7,7 6-9
13.07.2024     7,7 6-9

Blue Algae[in μg/l]

Date of measurement Ka20 BI 20 BI 30 WT - Reverence values
15.05.2024 < 0,5 < 0,5 < 0,5 50 μg/l
09.07.2024 < 0,5 < 0,5 < 0,5 50 μg/l
13.07.2024     < 0,5 50 μg/l

What is measured and why?

Faecal coliforms and intestinal enterococci are found in the intestines of humans and animals and are usually harmless. They serve as an indicator of contamination of faecal origin. By demonstrating an increased number of these bacteria, the presence of pathogens, which may also occur in the intestines, can not be excluded with sufficient certainty. If none of these faecal indicators are found in the Water, one can assume that there are no harmful bacteria.

The pH figure is an indicator for the water quality as long as the figures are in the range of 6 to 9. If the pH figure is outside this range, reddening of the skin may occur to humans.

A massive prevalence of algae and especially of cyanobacteria is not only an aesthetic problem. Allergic reactions and other health problems can occur to persons with sensitive skin but symptoms usually decrease after a short time. The chlorophyll of cyanobacteria is measured. From 100 micrograms per liter (ug / l) there is a strong cyanobacteria infection.