Nutrition Basics: Finding the right path for you
21 April, 2017
Eating habits in Europe
Too much stress and a poor diet - a study conducted at the German Sports University in Cologne on behalf of the health insurance company DKV makes it clear that the vast majority of people have unhealthy eating habits. Over 50% do not have a balanced diet and are subject to unhealthy stress. According to a telephone survey conducted by another leading Institute, fewer than 50% of adults eat vegetables on a daily basis. A consensus has been reached that today’s major diseases are essentially related to diet. This does mean, however, that you can have a positive effect on your health by optimising your diet.
A balanced diet is key to so much, from minimising risks of disease and injury to promoting a healthy lifestyle. In addition, when our bodies are not overloaded with sugar and calories, we feel more energised in our everyday lives. A balanced diet also assists in maintaining a healthy weight and promotes our own well-being.
The key to a healthy diet is the right combination of foods with all the necessary nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates and fats) in a ratio matched to your own personal goal, and the absorption of enough vital substances (vitamins and minerals).
If you stick to the Mediterranean diet with plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables, nuts, pulses, fish, wholegrain products and olive oil or rapeseed oil, you are well on the right track. Be open to new experiences for your taste buds, and give up bad eating habits. Depending on your goal (losing weight, sports performance, muscle gain), you can then take further action and integrate this in your daily lives on a long-term basis.
Achieve your goal
No matter what sporting goal you have, if your diet isn't tailored to it, only short-term success can be achieved. Whether this goal is a slim, toned figure, a defined muscular body or improved endurance, all are dependent on your eating habits. The supplementary use of sports food can be integrated into your diet and provides additional support to achieve your goal. Have a look through the the range of products from Multipower to see how they can help you.
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